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Actually for us who really know the value of village you can't fix us to town because life in the village is very simple if your brain solves the equation semulteneously where by you plant your own food to eat.
added by Anonymous 896 days ago 1    0

Yes, in villages, the standard of living is low compared to that of town.
So many people in town work for "Belly" only. This was discovered when Covid pandemic hit the world.
During the lockdown, many people in towns suffered hunger due to temporary job loss, those in villages though poor had what to eat.
In towns many cried of food shortage. I support this idea of village life because there is abudance of food more than in towns.
added by Bigumirwa Fredrick 896 days ago 0    0

Living in the village is better than living in the town.

To live in the village is more better than living in town because village is more chiper the the town, the town is very expensive.and everything in the town are expensive and you need to be smart at any time

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