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People go by the name they answer meanwhile name affect people before you name anything you have to reason very well
added by 1001277811 120 days ago 1    0

Have you ever sat and ask yourself why words mean what they mean!

Yeah! I know anyone can ask him or herself such a question, but the answer is simple! These words were named to their meanings just the way people name children and those words are not the ones that makes things what they are. For example"Banana", it's not the word banana that makes the banana banana! But rather there are other characteristics determing it and the word banana is its name.

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Words and names were brought into place to distinguish between different things and people and it doesn't make sense to search why those words were given to different things because there's different things in the world and there was a need to distinguish them from the other.
added by Anonymous 893 days ago 1    0