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True because we're born with our minds blank like a new book and whatever is written on ut depends on the home, society, schools and associates one meets while growing.
added by Anonymous 890 days ago 0    0

Man is born with a pure and clear mind, because when we are still yong, we just learn things and fill them in our minds which is empty, such good and bad behaviours we learn them but we are born with empty mind.
added by Anonymous 891 days ago 1    0

Man is born with a pure and clear mind like a plain white paper.

Its the environment that determines the knowledge, behaviour and understanding of man but intially man is born with an empty mind. This is why we find it more important to give the children the most relevant education that would later help to shape them into fully furnished citizens."I don't blame you but rather I blame your mentors" This statement was formulated to denote the role mentors play in influencing an individual's way of life.

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