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I can only see on babptosm is like having apernun which Is not verified because you can not send any yem to another account when yours is not verified meaning that it's only to know zat you have become A God's family member.
added by 1001207061 884 days ago 0    0

What does Baptizm Represent and what Will we discuss in this Chapter?

Baptism Represents something very important. When you are immersed in water, it means that you have died/ abandoned/Your former way of life.
When you come out of the water , you will begin a new life doing God's Will. It shows that you will serve Jehovah from now On. Remember that you are not dedicated to a human/ an organization/ a work.
You have dedicated your life to Jehovah. Your heavenly Father.

Your dedication will help you to develop a close friendship with God .(Psalm 25:14). This doesn't mean that a person will be saved just because he gets Baptized. The apostle Paul Wrote: " Keep working out Your Salvation with Fear and Trembling." ( Philippians 2:12).

Baptism is Just the beginning. But how can you stay close to Jehovah Your God?????

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