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Does money make a woman happy.

Money only excites women and men should stop dating and marrying hungry women, they're the most confused set of people in society. There's a difference between excitement and happiness, excitement is momently, it's a feeling and happiness is a state of mind, a state of joy, contentment. It's simply means when you're happy you're going to be happy with what you have and the major thing that makes people happy are things that money cannot buy and because its a state of mind, it's not what people give you or what people have, excitement is what people give you.

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On a tendance à dire l'argent ne fait pas le bonheur. Chez une femme l'argent résoud ses problème financier. Mais quand quand a ce qui concerne le bonheur il faut le trouver dans l'amour
added by Anonymous 867 days ago 1    0