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La femme garde le mariage.
Dans nos sociétés aujourd'hui on constate que l'homme est toujours instable et a tendance a avoir des maîtresses en-dehors du foyer conjugale. Pendant ce temps madame garde le foyer et veiller à la bonne santé de la maison
added by Anonymous 870 days ago 1    0

Both partners have to play their part for marriage sustainability since a marriage is between two people not one person so they both have the responsibility to understand and support each other all the way through. That way they can be able to keep their marriage afloat
added by Anonymous 871 days ago 2    0

Between a man and a woman, who keeps the marriage.

It's the man because women are the weaker vessel, a man is the foundation, a woman is the pillar. If the your foundation is not right, there's no amount of building you're going to put on that foundation that's not going to fall. Foundation is very important in relationships and marriages. It takes two to tango, marriage is supposed to be 50/50 , a man needs to build your foundation if you want to keep your relationship and marriage to work.

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