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Otherwise why do we even have laws and rules if people can break them with no consequence so long as they have enough cash or other incentives
added by Anonymous 665 days ago 0    0

It's bad because it retards development activities in developing countries when public resources are swindled by a small group of people for selfish interests hence affecting most people.
added by Anonymous 977 days ago 0    0

Yes corruption is so bad because some people use resources and enjoy funds thus make most people poor.
added by 1000922738 1302 days ago 0    0

Corruption is completely bad because a single individual uses and enjoys the resources that should have been used by a big population yet leaves most of the population in total poverty. This is bad in a sense that few people enjoy on experience of the large population.
added by Anonymous 1303 days ago 1    0

Yes i agree with you that corruption is bad everywhere. It affects the economy of a country it stands on the way for some people not to get what they have to get
added by 1001049122 1303 days ago 0    0

Yes corruption is bad because it's against the law forexample when u need a job to any company and to get a job u have to pay some moneythas mean the poor person will not get the job.
added by 1001107602 1303 days ago 1    0

Indeed with corruption u can't grow it always favours one part especially for those who are rich remain rich poor remain poor
added by Anonymous 1303 days ago 1    0

It erodes the trust we have in the public sector act in our best interest.
Corruption and bribery can adversely impact the trust in can also impact government provision of goods and increases the cost goods and services which arise from efficiency loss.
Corruption foristance leads to an infficient allocation of resources, poor education and healthcare or the presence of shadow economy.such economy that includes illegal activities as well as unreported income from the production of legal goods and services for which taxes should be paid.
added by 1001052118 1303 days ago 1    0

Corruption is really bad but many people are found doing so & yet it's really bad
Please let the poor also be cared for
added by 1001099555 1303 days ago 2    0

It is really bad in a way that it has led to a lot of black mailing and so on.
And this has led to our some countries like Uganda and others not developing because of the same reason.
added by 1001108989 1303 days ago 1    0

We can agree corruption is bad.

Here is a basic definition of corruption: paying or otherwise influencing someone to ignore the laws or rules for personal gain.

Transparency International defines "corruption as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain."

Meriam Webster defines corruption (second definition) as "inducement to wrong by improper or unlawful means (such as bribery)"

So I think we can agree that corruption is bad.
Otherwise why do we even have laws and rules if people can break them with no consequence so long as they have enough cash or other incentives.
Do you agree, corruption is bad?

How do you vote?

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