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Some of the characteristics of the moonsoon climate is that it is the type of seasonal wind that reverse its direction at the course of the year.
added by 1001277811 117 days ago 1    0

The Monsoon Zone is a belt of low-pressure air currents that circle the Earth at the Equator. The Monsoon Zone is also known as the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The Monsoon Zone is usually warm and experiences mild winds. At sea, the Monsoon Zone is known as the Doldrums due to its lack of winds. Articles & Profiles
added by Anonymous 440 days ago 1    0

Characteristics of monsoon climates are as below.

The monsoons are types of seasonal winds that reverse their direction in the course of the year.
They usually flow from sea to landing the summer and from land to sea(offshore) in the winter.
The Summer monsoon winds bring large amounts of rainfall to tropical monsoon regions between March and April.

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