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Being grateful when we travel enable us to know our right and responsibility in life no one can intimidate us anyhow
added by 1001277811 122 days ago 1    0

Today, I realise how lucky I am, as a French woman, to be able to (among other things) travel from one country to another without too many difficulties while others would give anything to escape theirs
added by Anonymous 666 days ago 1    0

Usually visting new places helps us grow in many different ways which we had never even think of to happen in our lives hemce it's good to make move
added by 1001249430 679 days ago 1    0

Being grateful through travel to day

Being grateful through travel
In fact, I still haven't recovered from my first trip, in 2011, to Senegal. During this trip, many things surprised me, others were confirmed and many things changed me... Today, I realise how lucky I am, as a French woman, to be able to (among other things) travel from one country to another without too many difficulties while others would give anything to escape theirs.

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