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Your Yoweri Kaguta Museveni Tibuhaburwa is 77 years old. He will not rule forever. But after him will come another African dictator. This should not worry Ugandans, because Europe and America are ruled by liberal progressives, who are essentially neo-Marxists. People think and do what they are told and delude themselves that they live in a democracy. In the 1990s, democracy in America ended with Reagan and Bush, and in Europe with Thatcher, Kohl and Mitterrand.
added by Anonymous 696 days ago 1    0

The major hindrance to development in Uganda is leaders sticking to power, new ideas is one of major keys to growth and development in a country. New leaders mean new ideas which also means development, Uganda won't develop unless there is a political transition. Power tripping and override retards growth and development.
added by Anonymous 847 days ago 4    0

Dictatorship is the reason why Uganda is not developing.

The major hindrance to development in Uganda is leaders sticking to power, new ideas is one of major keys to growth and development in a country. New leaders mean new ideas which also means development, Uganda won't develop unless there is a political transition. Power tripping and override retards growth and development.

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