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It is evidently known that the equator is the central latitude that divide the earth into the northern and southern hemisphere with the same degree. Take for instance if the northern hemisphere is 90 degree the southern hemisphere will be 90 degree as well.
added by 1001277811 126 days ago 1    0

It is in relation to the equator that other latitudes are numbered in degrees South or North. The North pole is 90⁰ North of the Equator
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 2    0

This is true, I remember when we were young learning geography , this was one ofy best subjects and could enjoy lessons very much
added by 1001249430 681 days ago 2    0

The equeator divides the earth into two equal parts one is nothern and southern hemisphere .the equetor and the latitude are marked on south pole and north pole
added by Anonymous 747 days ago 4    0

The latitude Equator as the central latitude marked 0⁰.

The equator is the central latitude that divides the earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. It is in relation to the equator that other latitudes are numbered in degrees South or North. The North pole is 90⁰ North of the Equator and the South Pole is 90⁰ south of the Equator.

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