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It's because the sun and moon all sets from that place and also was around great rift valley of east Africa
added by Anonymous 444 days ago 1    0

Mount Rwenzori has snow on top so it's called snow capped. It lies along the western arm of the East African Rift valley
added by Anonymous 446 days ago 0    0

It is the highest mountain in Uganda. The highest peak in Mt. Rwenzori is Margherita peak which is 5110 metres above the sea level.
added by Anonymous 665 days ago 1    0

This is good mountain to bhold and attractive to the site, this is good and worth to be called by that name as it is one of the high mountainBim uganda
added by 1001249430 678 days ago 0    0

Henry martone stanly called mountain rwenzori as mountain of the moon because mountain rwenzori is the snow capped piece of land because it rises as the moon
added by Anonymous 745 days ago 2    0

Reason why Henry M. Stanley called Mount Rwenzori the mountains of the moon.

The Rwenzori Mountain was called the mountains of the moon because it's snow capped peak looked like a rising moon. It is the highest mountain in Uganda. The highest peak in Mt. Rwenzori is Margherita peak which is 5110 metres above the sea level.

Mount Rwenzori has snow on top so it's called snow capped. It lies along the western arm of the East African Rift valley.

At the foot hills of Mount Rwenzori copper and Cobalt are mined from Kilembe mines near Kasese Town.

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