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Some people think that people who are capable financially or those that are in power are the only ones with wisdom and knowledge.
added by Anonymous 841 days ago 1    0

Wisdom and knowledge are sound with power or money.

Some people think that people who are capable financially or those that are in power are the only ones with wisdom and knowledge.
This is not true, if we carry out surveys in the whole world for intelligence and intellectualism, we can find a lot of less privileged folks who are intelligent and deserve high positions in the government. These people have wisdom and understanding but their main challenge is the power or money to help them exercise their wisdom and understanding. Wisdom is domant without money or power. There are so many intelligent people this world but are poor and suffering due to lack of a helping hand. The first aid for one to exercise their wisdom is money.
Give a start to these people so that they can also exercise their wisdom and knowledge, this is how we start creating a better world for everyone.

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Even poor people have good idears and plans that can benefit the nation but due to lack of motivational gears like money and power make them sleeping dogs with out any contribution in the community.
added by 1001098163 835 days ago 0    0