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Doing right may not please the body but it is sure the doer's soul is content. This is the line that got me, it's such a meaningful line. We need more suggestions and chats like this.
added by Anonymous 846 days ago 1    0

That is very true, righteousness brings about peace and calm in one's heart and soul this helps one move proudly holding their head up high knowing that nobody is going to hold anything against them, it is such a good feeling
added by Anonymous 846 days ago 2    0

Doing right things may sound and seem difficult but it is not as heavy as the penalty that wrong doing may bring.
People who do right things have no worries about what may happen to them because they are certain that they do right which attracts no evil.
Doing right may not please the body but it is sure the doer's soul is content.
When one is right, they have peace and are safe from events like fines, bans, expulsions and imprisonments.
added by Anonymous 846 days ago 1    0

Righteousness means peace and safety.

Doing right things may sound and seem difficult but it is not as heavy as the penalty that wrong doing may bring.
People who do right things have no worries about what may happen to them because they are certain that they do right which attracts no evil.
Doing right may not please the body but it is sure the doer's soul is content.
When one is right, they have peace and are safe from events like fines, bans, expulsions and imprisonments.

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