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Pour moi , la religion est une doctrine que les humains depuis la création se sont donnés pour se rapprocher du créateur. De nos jours elle apaise la masse populaire contre les dictateurs d'où nous pouvons qualifié la religion d'opium de masse. L'amour est la clé des religions.
added by Anonymous 839 days ago 1    0

Religion is always the opium of the masses since it teaches about the sufferings of people and also brings in the preaching about how to heal the sufferings of the masses for example in religion we are always taught about the hard core sins committed by people and some of them include lust , sloth , and many others after which we are called upon to repent and pray as a way through which we talk to God such that we are able to learn what is bad and be able to change from doing bad to doing good therefore by that kindness to the believers , religion will still always be the opium of masses since they preach against the bad and always in favour of the good works of people and continues to fight the bad works which include theft, incest, bestiality and many other evil works people commit. Religion also continues to carry out good works by healing the sick , praying for the dead , providing basic needs to the poor , preaching the word of the Lord to the sinners hence opium of the masses.
added by Anonymous 842 days ago 1    0

Religion is the opium of the masses

The opium of individuals (or opium of the majority) is an announcement utilized concerning religion, got from a regularly summarized assertion of German social scientist and monetary scholar Karl Marx: "Religion is the opium of the people."In his view, religion might be bogus, however it is an element of something genuine. In particular, Marx accepted that religion had specific reasonable capacities in the public arena that were like the capacity of opium in a debilitated or harmed individual: it decreased individuals' quick misery and given them lovely deceptions which gave them the solidarity to continue. In this sense, while Marx might have no compassion toward religion itself, he has profound compassion toward those working class who put their confidence in it.

In any case, Marx likewise considered religion to be unsafe to progressive objectives: by zeroing in on the everlasting rather than the transient, religion turns the consideration of the persecuted away from the abuse and class structure that envelops their regular daily existences. All the while, religion assists with encouraging a sort of bogus awareness that encourages social qualities and convictions that help and approve the proceeded with predominance of the decision class. It along these lines forestalls the communist insurgency, the ousting of free enterprise, and the foundation of a boorish, communist society.

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