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A computer is an electronic device that inputs, stores , processes data, and outputs information by means of a monitor that acts as it's display unit of information. The computer is known to be invented first by Charles Babbage during the mid 1830s. A computer is composed of a mother board that holds all inner delicate parts of a computer .it is also composed of a system supply unit that supplies power to the inner parts of the system case,the computer is also composed of processing unit that works as it's brain and this processes data into information that is displayed on a monitor. As I said before, A computer has got basic functions which are to input data, process data , store data and to out put information buh they all be in function with the help of the inner delicate parts of it as well described above .the other parts of a computer include, a smooth battery, system fan, floppy disk drive, CD ROM drive, power capacitors , data regesters , the monitor , keyboard and mouse
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what is computer and who invented first?

a computer can add,subtract,multiply,dividing,and to do so many other things very fast.A french philosopher and scientist Mr, Pascal invented the first computer.a computer have three parts i.e. key board, body,and a small television.

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