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To the best of my knowledge it's possible. From the law of demand and supply "the lower the supply the higher the demand" so liquidating yem create more demanf
added by 1001049030 1297 days ago 1    0

Yes it's will make it more known in the public after seeing it working ,every will yearn to get it ,so liquidity of yem will be a great deal to known world wide
added by Anonymous 1301 days ago 3    0

The convertibility of the YEM in fiat currencies is currently not yet that of a currency, but more comparable to the liquidity of a real estate property, ...As far as we know, YEM is the only digital currency that was created as an “authority-friendly” form of payment with the aim of becoming a real global alternative to general payment transactions.

YEM, which is short for “Your Everyday Money”, is a digital currency created by 3.725 internet users around the world. YEM was installed in 2017 with the aim of being able to conduct secure financial transactions. Both online and at local sales points around the world.

YEM can be accessed with a laptop, smartphone, tablet, or other possibly suitable electronic device. As of August 20, 2020, more than 1,1 million individual and corporate wallets will be in operation. Transactions from small purchases to multi-million dollar investments are processed here every day.
added by Anonymous 1302 days ago 9    0

When YEM was alone without a Bridge coin, it was like a sleeping dog. See now, YEM is being aroused, shaking and shot out like a rocket. The resultant effect shall be marvelous. This move is tantamount to placing a CCTV on YEM and like giving a town crier a gong to cry and announce a compulsory event in a village.
added by 1000114031 1302 days ago 9    0

The liquidity of yem will give it more usability and demand

Yes the yem liquidity will skyrocket another phrase of the coin and we shall experience a coin rush where its demand will be very high and its price wil pick up maximumly across the globe the introduction of the bridge coin is the introduction of yem to the public and the beginning of its integration with other Cryptal assets

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What creates the demand of any currency whether digital or fiat currencies is it's acceptance in buying goods and services which creates it's usability and the same will be true with YEM not only with the bridge coin were by some people were eager to convert the YEM into the bridge and then getting fiat currencies.
added by Anonymous 984 days ago 1    0