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Différents comportement et attitude sont des formes d'énergie négative surtout quand vous n'êtes pas en paix avec vous même. Nous voyons dans les écritures qu'il est dit de pardonner autant de fois que possible. Ne jamais laisser une rancune jusqu'a coucher du soleil. Il est bon de développer un esprit Positif
added by Anonymous 832 days ago 1    0

Don't let negative energy suck you up.

Good morning ! Don't let negative energy suck you up. Remember that you cannot spend time with negative energy and expect to live a positive life. Stay away from anything that gives you bad vibes. There is no need to explain it or make sense of it. It's your life. Do what makes you happy. You must know how to make decisions which are sometimes difficult and suffer for a moment to exchange them with moments of happiness. Life is too short. Eliminate negativity, put aside the gossip, and spend your days with people who are always there for you. Fruitful day to you in grace.

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