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Music is very important because myself personally l like music because God use music and teach us something.
added by 1001277811 137 days ago 1    0

Music inspires where you a discouraged,chases away stresses,hatred and revage which brings peace and among people within the community
added by Anonymous 642 days ago 5    0

Ethnic life accompanies many kinds of events, including childbirth, marriage, hunting, and even political activities.
added by Anonymous 663 days ago 3    0

Music helps us to relax and calm the nerves in our body systems, when I have pressure I just play cool music and from nowhere I fell relaxed and keep moving
added by 1001249430 674 days ago 3    0

music is important because joining in music he or.she can make you to shine over the world&in addition music makes some people rich
added by Anonymous 743 days ago 4    0

Art and music are basic human functions. Humankind and art cannot function without one another. We have the burning desire to create, whatever it may be and however tiny or grand. The interaction with sound is unavoidable, either to make it or take pleasure in it. People have always found music significant in their lives, whether for enjoyment in listening, the emotional response, performing, or creating. This is no different for classical music or contemporary concert music. Both musics have immense worth for our society; however, the problem we all know in this field is that this music is little known and hence underappreciated. As a musician and artist it is my responsibility that others can learn to enjoy the art for which I have utter passion.

added by Anonymous 784 days ago 4    0

Traditional music in most of the continent is passed down orally (or aurally) and is not written. Music is important to religion in Africa, where rituals and religious ceremonies use music to pass down stories from generation to generation as well as to sing and dance to.
added by Anonymous 829 days ago 6    0

Legally music is one of the start even the bible recommend it music gives life and joy
added by Anonymous 831 days ago 6    0

Why music is important do you agree?

Traditional music in most of the continent is passed down orally (or aurally) and is not written. Music is important to religion in Africa, where rituals and religious ceremonies use music to pass down stories from generation to generation as well as to sing and dance to. It can be used to tell a story or convey meaning and messages. Ethnic life accompanies many kinds of events, including childbirth, marriage, hunting, and even political activities. If you observe any part of the culture you can see that music is essential in representing their heritage

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