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If a body covers unequal displacement at a period of time it is said to be variable velocity while instantaneous velocity is when a body covers very small displacement in a very short period of time.
added by 1001277811 130 days ago 1    0

if a body covers very small displacement in a very short interval of time the time is so short that it approaches to zero. its velocity is said to be instantaneous velocity.
added by Anonymous 669 days ago 1    0

if a body covers very small displacement in a very short interval of time the time is so short that it approaches to zero. its velocity is said to be instantaneous velocity.
added by Anonymous 669 days ago 1    0

if a body covers unequal displacements unequal intervals of time. its velocity is said to be variable velocity . its motion is said to be non-uniform motion.
if a body covers very small
added by Anonymous 835 days ago 2    0

if a body covers unequal displacements unequal intervals of time. its velocity is said to be variable velocity . its motion is said to be non-uniform motion.
if a body covers very small displacement in a very short interval of time the time is so short that it approaches to zero. its velocity is said to be instantaneous velocity.
added by Anonymous 835 days ago 3    0

Deffirence varaiable velocity and instantaneous velocity

if a body covers unequal displacements unequal intervals of time. its velocity is said to be variable velocity . its motion is said to be non-uniform motion.
if a body covers very small displacement in a very short interval of time the time is so short that it approaches to zero. its velocity is said to be instantaneous velocity.

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