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Acceleration is defined as the time rate for the change of is a vector quantity since it has magnitude and direction.
added by 1001277811 124 days ago 1    0

denoted by ''a'' it is a vector quantity. it acts in the direction of change in velocity. it produces due to change in magnitude or direction of velocity or both( magnitude and direction)
a= dalta V/ dalta T
added by Anonymous 663 days ago 1    0

the time rate of change of velocity of a body is called acceleration. it is denoted by ''a'' it is a vector quantity. it acts in the direction of change in velocity. it produces due to change in magnitude or direction of velocity or both( magnitude and direction)
a= dalta V/ dalta T
added by Anonymous 828 days ago 4    0

what is Acceleration

the time rate of change of velocity of a body is called acceleration. it is denoted by ''a'' it is a vector quantity. it acts in the direction of change in velocity. it produces due to change in magnitude or direction of velocity or both( magnitude and direction)
a= dalta V/ dalta T

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