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The Newton first law of motion states that in the absence of external force a body continues in its states of rest or motion in a straight line with uniform velocity for ever. This tendency is also known as inertia.
added by 1001277811 123 days ago 1    0

the property of an object tending to maintain the state of rest or state of uniform motion is called low of inertia
added by Anonymous 662 days ago 1    0

in the absence of an external force a body continues its state of rest or of motion in a straight line with uniform velocity for ever.
the property of an object tending to maintain the state of rest or
added by Anonymous 827 days ago 3    0

in the absence of an external force a body continues its state of rest or of motion in a straight line with uniform velocity for ever.
the property of an object tending to maintain the state of rest or state of uniform motion is called low of inertia.
added by Anonymous 827 days ago 4    0

Newtons 1st law of motion and law of inertia.

in the absence of an external force a body continues its state of rest or of motion in a straight line with uniform velocity for ever.
the property of an object tending to maintain the state of rest or state of uniform motion is called low of inertia.

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