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That's quite true because those people challenge you to think a head as they always have mindsets that you admire, many business ideas. These trigger ones mind to think harder and meditate on the lives that they want to live hence craving for the best things in life always.
added by Anonymous 828 days ago 1    0

Absolutely right, talking about someone won't add any value on you but it will reduct from you since wasted time is never regained.
Talking about how to be productive and change lives is the best conversation because it gives ideas and inspiration.
added by Anonymous 830 days ago 2    0

Sit on the table where they are talking ideas and opportunities but not talking about other people.

If you want to prosper in life, learn to stay with people who are always above you but not with people of the same mind. Be a learner at all times but not subjective. Learn to always be with people who are knowledgeable than you. Peole who are financially better than you rather than keeping with peolle who always see you as thier king. Such groups need to be avoided and embrace groups which are developmental and educative to you.

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