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Planing for you future is only way to success because u can just eat and sleep then you see success following you because the life we live now is the life we thought some years back.
added by PIUS ARINAITWE 696 days ago 1    0

We should always put God first while Planning anything. We plan He plan and His plans always succeed and we are what we are because of his wish.
Very many people plan and put in actions because if God refuses it will all be in vain.
Let's work while praying for his blessings because when he says yes no one says no and vise verse .
added by Anonymous 825 days ago 1    0

First you have to know what future mean,cause many of us don't know what future is sincerely speaking there's no future the future is today where by you have to work very hard save for better life not future
added by Anonymous 826 days ago 2    0

Planning for your future is the only way of success.

If you want to be successful,you need to plan for your future.start saving now for the future of tomorrow. Without good future of tomorrow no good happiness. So better save for tomorrow for better future better health in this living world.

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