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Indeed; God gave us life so it's our responsibility to shape it in away that we want it to be . If you decide to be successful be positive and you will never fail and so negativity will keep you in fear.
The future is in out hands sow it up or tear it down .happiness is a choice you don't need every thing to be happy being alive is the point.
added by Anonymous 828 days ago 1    0

Yes of course. Every human being as said, is the own master of his life. We have the power to give the direction we want to our life. When you take care of you life, your life will take care of you. The way you put seriousness in your life the same way it will be reflected on your future. Successful people today are those who pushed their life hard. If you choose to be poor and accept poverty you will be poor but if you choose to be rich and really work hard for it will come true.
added by 1000928234 828 days ago 2    0

You can make your self the way you want.

Your life is your need to make your life the way you want, the decision is your need to be happy for your self and for family because if deside to make yourself better, you will have a better life for tomorrow.better life the better future of tomorrow.i love you.

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