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I mostly prefer taking risk more than regretting it,
Let me talk some thing about risk. If you're not contemplating a risky new move, you've probably taken few risks to get to Where you are today, and chances are you're not done taking them.
Taking on bold attitude for a risky next step isn't as difficult as it sounds.
Here are a few ways to harness the power of positive risk taking: Fight the negativity,Build self-efficacy, Be intelligent with your risk, failing is normal, so Just do it.
Some quotes about risking give courage to. For example;
The biggest risk is not taking any risk in a world that's changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risk.
All life is an experiment the more experiment you make the better.
Building confidence in risk-taking doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll take smart risks. So nobody should fear risking due to fear of regret.
added by Anonymous 795 days ago 1    0

Absolutely right, risking is for only winners and those who fear risk are cowards and having nothing to succeed.
A person who tries and fails will never have regrets after all he gave it a chance and if he never gives up in most cases they make it to the fullest.
The earthly life is all about risking example,
We all love children but the process of pregnancy throughout and the labour pain is so risking but it can't stop us from being pregnant again and again. Conclusively, success is for risk takers.
added by Anonymous 827 days ago 1    0

Others fear to upgrade their education standards because they are old and about to die. Such people end up loosing in life. Those who are hardhearted end up investing in new businesses and they achieve thier desired goal. Those ones who feared risking, end up leaving in regrets. So, better risk than regretting.
added by Anonymous 829 days ago 3    0

Risking is better than regreting.

Many people fear risking their money in businesses they don't understand. Others fear risking doing some jobs like being a pilot because they fear deing in space/earoplanes. Others fear to upgrade their education standards because they are old and about to die. Such people end up loosing in life. Those who are hardhearted end up investing in new businesses and they achieve thier desired goal. Those ones who feared risking, end up leaving in regrets. So, better risk than regretting.

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