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There have always been LGBTQ people , it is nothing new. There should not be laws taking away someone's right to be themselves.
added by 1000037066 610 days ago 0    0

But others too are saying that, it is against the ethics and their beliefs to practice LGBTQ+. My question is should LGBTQ+ be legalized
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 1    0

Should the whole world accept and practice LGBTQ++

LGBTQ+ is a new practice that many people have accepted to be a norm and legal practice in our society. The reason being that each of us have our rights and can make a decision on our own. LGBTQ+ is some people’s right. But others too are saying that, it is against the ethics and their beliefs to practice LGBTQ+. My question is should LGBTQ+ be legalized

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