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An anion is a negative charge ion, unlike cation which is positive, anion is formed by the gain of electron which it's reaction is exothermic.
added by 1001277811 128 days ago 1    0

it is formed by the gain of one or more electrons from a neutral atom.
formation of a negative ion is an exothermic process.
the number of negative charge on anion
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 3    0

An anion is an element with more electrons than protons
An anion has more electrons than protons, consequently giving it a net negative charge.
For an anion to form, one or more electrons must be gained, typically pulled away from other atoms with a weaker affinity for them.
added by Anonymous 796 days ago 4    0

what is ANION?

An ion with negative charge is called an -ion.
it is formed by the gain of one or more electrons from a neutral atom.
formation of a negative ion is an exothermic process.
the number of negative charge on anion depends upon numbers of electrons gained by the atom.

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