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Electron deflection is the situation/property in which an electron moves away or towards the direction due to attractive or repulsive force from other particles.
added by 1001277811 130 days ago 1    0

La déflexion est la déviation d'une particule de sa trajectoire. Ou le changement de position d'une petite particule.
added by Anonymous 664 days ago 3    0

mass to change ration. positive ion.
of each isotope has its own m/e ratio heavy ions move slowly in circular path as compared to lighter ions
added by Anonymous 669 days ago 2    0

After acceleration ions are pained through magnetic field which is perpendicular to the path of positive ions . these ions are separated on the basis of m/e ratio i.e. mass to change ration. positive ion.
added by 1001246165 700 days ago 3    0

Deflection is the act of redirecting something or causing it to move in a direction that is different from the course it had been on.
It can also refer to an instance of bouncing back take for instance when light strikes the mirror, it is bounced back.
added by Anonymous 798 days ago 4    0


After acceleration ions are pained through magnetic field which is perpendicular to the path of positive ions . these ions are separated on the basis of m/e ratio i.e. mass to change ration. positive ion.
of each isotope has its own m/e ratio heavy ions move slowly in circular path as compared to lighter ions.

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