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The main cause stems from the free use of internet and prolonged or early starting to use the net.

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added by 1001246165 697 days ago 1    0

Chronic challengs faced to those who use internet i may say lack of good networks may be achallenge to those internet users
added by Anonymous 746 days ago 2    0

The chronic challenge of internet addiction.

Digital addiction also called the internet addiction is a condition in which one feels uncomfortable when they don't use the internet, the user at least needs to open one web page in order to be satisfied.
The main cause stems from the free use of internet and prolonged or early starting to use the net.

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Le monde actuel est de plus en plus informatisé. On ne peut plus s'en passer à celà et c'est indispensable pour mieux vivre
added by 1001220230 810 days ago 2    0