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Lack of appreciation.
Men want to feel and express the love they have for their spouses. But when a husband feels under-appreciated by the whole family, he's more likely to show resentment than love. Besides connecting sexually and emotionally, one of the biggest requirements for marriage is recognizing that your connection is very much about the mundane: figuring out who is going to drive carpool and how the mortgage will be paid and which of you is heading out to get more toilet paper, Men who aren't appreciated and feel disillusioned by the realities of their marriage are at risk of divorce.
Difference over spending among spouses. Many men break bonds with their wives due to poor financial decisions common among women.
added by Anonymous 798 days ago 1    0

man/men leave your wife if you notice these signs

1 if she is having extramarital affairs. 2 A wife who is a drug and alcohol addict. 3 A woman who fails to fulfil her duties as a wife. 4 A woman who refuses to let you unwind at home. 5 if she is continuously cursing you and your pals for little issues. 6 for the sake of your children, if your wife is continuously bickering with you about little topics. 7 divorce your wife if she keeps you from reaching your objectives and goals. 8 please leave your wife or spouse if she is uncontrollable if you value your life

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