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Temperature need to be hotter on earth than in the sky because the earth generate a lot of heat than the sky.
added by 1001277811 129 days ago 1    0

Why earth temperature is higher than atmospheric temperature is because of human irresponsible activities like tree cutting to pave way for huge road projects, industrial projects and land for arable farming. These numerous human activities have produced a lot of chlorofluorocarbons, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide which react with the protective ozone layer which deplete it and cause the solar rays to hit the earth surface directly from the sun and then reflected back and absorbed by one part of ozone layer making it warm thereby increasing surface temperature of the earth resulting in global warming. We therefore need more trees to absorb the carbon dioxide and have industries that have carbon filters so that we get clean air and water in our environment.
added by Anonymous 328 days ago 1    0

The radiation from the sun which heats up the land. When land is heated up, it also emits off some heat into the air and when this rising heat meets the radiation from the sun
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 2    0

The radiation from the sun which heats up the land. When land is heated up, it also emits off some heat into the air and when this rising heat meets the radiation from the sun, combine which makes temperature on land to be greater than that in the sky.
added by 1001246165 699 days ago 3    1

Land surfaces absorb much more solar radiation than sky reflects most solar radiation that reaches its surface back to the atmosphere. Since land absorbs more solar radiation the land surface retains more heat as do the vegetation for energy.
added by Anonymous 797 days ago 3    1

Why the temperature is hotter on land than in the sky?

Temperature is degree of hotness and coldness. It's affected by different factors.
On land, the temperature is higher than that in the sky due to :
• The radiation from the sun which heats up the land. When land is heated up, it also emits off some heat into the air and when this rising heat meets the radiation from the sun, combine which makes temperature on land to be greater than that in the sky.

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Climate is a degree hotness or coldness yes but hotness on the land being too much than that in the sky is brought by a combination of so many factors, circulation of wind in the sky makes it cooler where as on land there is absorption, reflection and refraction of light rays hence maintaining heat on land. Nice time.
added by 1001098163 814 days ago 2    1