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better life and also avoid over thinking and also avoid eating foods with a lot of fats and oilsbetter life and also avoid over thinking and also avoid eating foods with a lot of fats and oils
added by Anonymous 664 days ago 0    0

Ulcers is one of the diseases that affect adults due to stress and not eating in time plus other symptoms this has affected many people in different of the ways to limit this, is to always eat in time and take a lot of water of have a better life and also avoid over thinking and also avoid eating foods with a lot of fats and oils.
added by 1001246165 698 days ago 1    0

There is very little evidence to say that stress can cause ulcers. According to research made, about various risk factors for ulcers. People who perceived that their lives were very stressful as well as people who claimed low levels of stress in their lives were chosen for this study.
As per the study, participants with a high, self-perceived stress level had a higher risk of being treated for peptic ulcers in 33 months time following their interview, as compared to participants with a lower level of stress. If stress is not a strong risk factor, what is the connection between stress and ulcers? Stress in general reduces one's immunity to disease. This makes the person vulnerable to many diseases with ulcers inclusive.
added by Anonymous 796 days ago 1    0

Of course most of elders in my country
Always think of school fees ,rent,food for their families,cause food is really had to get in my community, school fees are high and schools that teach well are so costly for aparent to eat all meals aday he or she ends up getting ulcers,when it comes to rent both home and work is rented which is costly and needs extra saving s
added by 1000908746 805 days ago 1    0

Ulcers is one of the diseases that affect adults due to stress

Ulcers is one of the diseases that affect adults due to stress and not eating in time plus other symptoms this has affected many people in different of the ways to limit this, is to always eat in time and take a lot of water of have a better life and also avoid over thinking and also avoid eating foods with a lot of fats and oils.

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