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First, you need to define what you consider success. A person may have a lot of money, a big house, and a trophy wife, but the wife may be a gold-digger, his kids disrespectful brats, and no real friends to speak of. Someone else may be living paycheck to paycheck, but he has a wife that loves him, children that respect and love him, and real friends that help him anytime he needs it. So people may be successful in one part of their life but a total failure in another.
added by Anonymous 799 days ago 2    0

Success is not for everyone in this world.

To be successful, you need to wake up your minds and receive blessings from God, you need to be wise and we'll wishers to everyone one and for give to those who do bad about you. You need to be hard working and having a knowledge of development in your family, your community in order to be successful in words, success is not for everyone.

How do you vote?

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Success was meant for everyone on planet earth but some people just take it for granted and faile to explore themselves. Such individuals end up.loosing hope.and direction which.result into be oming insane.
added by Anonymous 808 days ago 1    0