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everything that happens on this earth happens at the time God chooses. Those who are to servive wil servive. Thank u
added by 1001098163 767 days ago 1    0

Yes you are spitting facts, there is nothing new in this world.
That which was, is and that which is, will also be and so that which was. Things just repeating all day and every year.
added by Anonymous 774 days ago 1    0

Unnder the sun there is nothing that is new as generations go, and other generation come, but the earth remains forever.There is a transience about human existence on earth, that really fails to bring us in touch with something that is absolutely new. If, therefore, we root our hope in the next generation or time, we are setting ourselves up for disappointment. It will simply not be that different. Nothing ever really changes except for the faces, the names, the methods and perhaps the social/political dynamics. In fact, history repeats itself and no great thing emerges from “under the sun” that changes the essence of our existence here. We are born. We live and die. Others are born, etc. The world is a very repetitive place. Nothing ever changes. So, any search for real meaning and lasting profit cannot come from under the sun.
added by Anonymous 774 days ago 2    0

There's nothing new under the sun.

We should all bear in mind that whatever you hear and see God already decreed it to happen. The insurgencies, killings, among others. Change in the Education system and power belonging to the people. The depopulation agenda and the forceful immunizations

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Its true that there is nothing new under the sun, but I don't think that God has ever forced someone to doing some thing unwillingly. The forceful lmmunition was also planned by God.

added by Anonymous 776 days ago 1    0