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The argument turns into a fight and no matter this, you still remain neutral.
Unfortunately one is fatally wounded and no matter this, you still show no side.
added by Anonymous 669 days ago 0    0

Any way its needs to tell the truth for both of your friends in to solve the matter . Call a speed a speed but not a small a big spoon that when you will remain a good friend for both of them for ever. Had i known comes last. Due to anger so one realise his or her mistake after some time and correction is done after a mistake. Thank u.
added by 1001098163 771 days ago 2    0

There is no neutral zone, neutrality in a crisis manifests secret polarity.

Consider this analogy where you have two friends.
These two gets into a fall-out, both of them comes to you for advice at different times.
Unfortunately you deny to advise any of the two claiming to be non polar.
The argument turns into a fight and no matter this, you still remain neutral.
Unfortunately one is fatally wounded and no matter this, you still show no side.

Your neutrality to this case manifests a silent polarity, your intervention in this case earlier would perhaps bring justice that would deprive the matter of worsening.

• One of your friends getting fatally wounded before you directly shows you support the other side secretly.

How do you vote?

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