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Enterpreneurship helps a lot in the recent economics development in the world today as it help to improve technological advancement and also enterpreneual skills
added by 1001277811 121 days ago 1    0

Promotion of development of small enterprises. Creates employment in the economy. It leads to utilisation of locally available resources.
added by 1001246165 699 days ago 3    0

Promotion of development of small enterprises. Creates employment in the economy. It leads to utilisation of locally available resources.
added by 1001246165 699 days ago 3    0

Provide market for goods of the manufacturer
Bands goods in the market for easy identification and advertising
Create employment opportunities to people
added by Anonymous 755 days ago 4    0

I can add that the creation of small businesses largely allows the development of the country and its economy. Neglecting the promotion of entrepreneurship ruins and impoverishes the continent in particular and the continent in general.
added by 1001220230 756 days ago 4    0

The role of entreprenuership in economic development.

Promotion of development of small enterprises. Creates employment in the economy. It leads to utilisation of locally available resources. It leads to reduction of regional imbalance. Encourages innovation hence leading to technologicall advancement.

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