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People this day supposed not to relent on paid advertisement as most people are being disappointed on employment job on several occasions
added by 1001277811 115 days ago 1    0

True employees are limited in so many ways. Employees are not able or allowed to express their ideas fully
added by Anonymous 662 days ago 1    0

Limitted creativity and innovation. Fixed payment. There is high degree of job insecurity as the employer may stop the employee from work at any time
added by 1001246165 693 days ago 2    0

I completely agree with you Many employees think working under someone is the best security there is.We have to change this way of doing and seeing things. Employment does not make you rich but rather impoverished. Receiving retirement pensions is security but rather misery.
added by Anonymous 750 days ago 3    0

Disadvantages of paid employment.

Limitted creativity and innovation. Fixed payment. There is high degree of job insecurity as the employer may stop the employee from work at any time. There is alimitted and fixed responsibilities as workers are not supporsed to do work out of their jobs specification. No independence.

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