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Man made money but money made man mad. Without money in the pocket cant make man feel manhood. He is rather ahalf man not feeling himself .comptent so money is good though it has its disadvantages.
added by 1001098163 754 days ago 1    0

to me money eases life but cant buy love. surrey rich and wealthy people are living in a lonely situation yet they have money most have divorced others separated yet money in pretty.
added by Anonymous 757 days ago 2    0

Can be enjoyable when you don't have money?

Some folks quote, "Money cannot buy love". This saying is common most especially when people discuss love matters.

Money may not buy love however one cannot reach the full sense of life without it, alot of miserable people in the world are poor.

It is not because they don't have money, it is because they are devoid of the stuff that can make life easier and enjoyable.

And to have these stuff, you need to first have money. This explains that the biggest percentage of miserable people are poor and therefore not happy.

Conclusion : Money cannot buy love and life but can ease and make life enjoyable.

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Literally the world we are in today everything requires money.
Even oxygen alone is sold, that's how much money has gone influential
added by Anonymous 757 days ago 3    0

yes money can't buy love and I I completely agree with you but let me tell you without money love dies.Money does not buy love but maintains it. The food, the clothes, the accommodations and more, It is thanks to the money. Thank you.
added by 1001220230 760 days ago 4    0