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None of us that are living now has ever seen heaven or hell, some people cast others in hell and they in heaven basing on the way of life.
added by 1001246165 698 days ago 1    0

Of caurse we are here on earth just as passers-by towords another destiny but then we shouldnt judge one other because the judge is almighty. We should not cuse each other because we are all not perfect .
added by 1001098163 752 days ago 3    0

Put no one in hell and yourself in heaven

Matter of fact none of us knows how hell or heaven looks, the knowledge that we all have about these biblical places is just theoretical.

None of us that are living now has ever seen heaven or hell, some people cast others in hell and they in heaven basing on the way of life.

However neither hell nor heaven belongs to man and therefore he has no right to cast anyone in any of these two places, only God has the right to do because He owns everything.

Judge not because you neither own a hell nor heaven only God can judge.

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