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Technolegy has made it better to change the world and its our chance . Many revolutions have happened but those who were awake enjoyed those revolutions with theirs sons even upto now so its our time now also to enjoy the next change for us in 21 century. Let everything that is building the digital currency rainbow continue to come to its claymax . I thank all the planers, founders, and teachers /mobolizers to bring that company to us.
added by 1001098163 739 days ago 3    0

Blockchain: MasterCard to invest heavily Metaverse and NFTs

The world is yet to experience massive financial, technological and time freedom.
Blockchain is the father of Cryptocurrencies and other digital assets.
For a truth, it is a technology that came suddenly on the world.
Now, MasterCard, the world,'s famous electronic fund transfer entity, is on its way to carve a nitche.
It has recently thrown it's weight behind Metaverse and nin-fungible tokens. How do you vote for the sweeping technology?

How do you vote?

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