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The entire world is going into digital economics system and that is the reason for the introduction of central bank of digital currency CBDC.
added by 1001277811 120 days ago 1    0

CBDCs, they will enable a complete elimination of corruption and inflation, national GDPS will be accurate and thus no compromise of resources. on the other had, some people are ignorant about the digital assets
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 1    0

recently the world is shifting to a digitalised economic system and this is evidenced by the introduction of the Central Bank Digital Currencey (CBDC
added by 1001246165 698 days ago 3    0

introduction of CBDC in some countries has influenced people to participate digital asset

recently the world is shifting to a digitalised economic system and this is evidenced by the introduction of the Central Bank Digital Currencey (CBDC). thus most of the elite people have been influenced to try and engage in the digital asset ownership and also participate in the digital transanctions. in every change, there are of course merits and demerits. for the CBDCs, they will enable a complete elimination of corruption and inflation, national GDPS will be accurate and thus no compromise of resources. on the other had, some people are ignorant about the digital assets and the few who have the idea about it, they have a negative attitude towards the digital assets.
in my overview, governments should make the necessary education reforms and merge in digital asset courses for the people to learn and understand the true importance of the digital assets.
in conclusion, it will take a relatively long time for the people to adopt to the new system of the digital asset being prepared for them

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