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This is true, we don't know where the world is taking as but for sure we are living in the times of the end where everything is possible and only God will help us
added by 1001249430 673 days ago 0    0

Anything that happens on this planet happens when the supper power knows. The war was aplanned move to introduce the use of the new currency called rainbow currence under new world order for gesara and nesara laws. All missions are being acomplished step by step, talk about c19 also cleared towords new world.
added by 1001098163 729 days ago 3    0

The World is sitting on a keg of gunpowder

Recall the emergence and conclusion of the first world war 1914 to 1918. This period brought with it unimerginable hardship. There was heavy criminalization of humanity. No freedom, no food, no rest, no creativity, no freedom of personal expression, no justice in anything, humanity suffered degradation, slavery and severe lack. There was complete hell on Earth. The second World war, experienced the same torments as in the first war, it was even more horrible in the third World war. What is the plan of Russia and China this time, when the world is still battling with Covid 19? Can anything good come out of Russia? How do you vote?

How do you vote?

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During those other wars there was more ignorance in the world. There were few rich people. Today as we speak the world is more informed and they're more rich people who want to protect what they have. The also wasn't to enjoy what they have. War is not for their good and comfort.
added by 1001229021 693 days ago 0    0