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Rich people always learn, they increase knowledge about their career
He always do phyisical exercises for making better life
added by 1001246165 699 days ago 1    0

Success goes hand in hand with failure because never fail to try but try and fail hence any business starts a fear of loosing but then experience is the best teacher in everything and those who fear to loose are the most loosers.
added by 1001098163 722 days ago 2    0

some common things rich people can not live without doing.

1 There is no failure without trying -but there is also no success without being willing to risk failure. 2 Nobody learns anything without listening. Rich people recognize that they are much better off hearing what others have to say - rather than telling them what they think they want to hear. 3 Growing up, like most people say, no education is ever wasted". SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE understand this. that is why they are always challeging themselves and learning something new. 4 There are times to be serious.

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