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Ya itu benar karena bahkan saya pada saat saya bergabung, saya tidak memiliki harapan bahwa itu akan mencapai level ini. mereka dulu mengatakan kepada saya bahwa saya mendapatkan perunm, pergi untuk verifikasi dan saya melihat hal-hal yang membosankan. dan di sisi lain saya biasa memberi tahu teman-teman saya untuk bergabung dengan jaringan serikat pekerja dan kebanyakan dari mereka mengecilkan hati saya dengan mengatakan itu adalah hal-hal palsu tetapi sekarang saya dapat melihat jalan yang sedang saya tuju. terima kasih

added by 1001247486 679 days ago 0    0

Those who have pernum with no yem is similar to someone have a car but dont want to buy fuel. by 1000926632.
added by Anonymous 720 days ago 3    0

For those who have pernum without yem are like those who believe in jesus and they dont want to die for him.
added by Anonymous 720 days ago 3    0

Yes, thanks so much for this post. In fact first and foremost I wish to thank all our leaders at different levels for the success that YEM has attained so far. I wish also to congratulate all the unicorn family and every one with pernum most especially those with YEM on their pernum whatever the amount. For the ones without, well my only advice is that it's not too late, they should do everything possible to acquire YEM or they will regret. Don't say that I did not inform you. I have done my part. Do yours. OK? We meet at the top.

added by 1001057999 722 days ago 4    0

Yes it true because even me by the time I joined,I had no hope tha it will reach this level.they used to tell me I get perunm,go for verification and I saw things boring.and on the other hand I used to tell my friends to join the union network and most of them were discouraging me saying those are fake things but now I can see way am heading. Thanks
added by Anonymous 722 days ago 6    0

YOUR EVERYDAY MONEY.(YEM ) Is every thing that everyone needs to to have.

Your every day money will make people reach the sky.
What I know there is time for everything.
When I first joined safe zone I had no hopes for yam reaching to this level.

Now algorithm is done..but still there are people who still do not believe that hem is better than gold.
Their still don't believe that hem is magically changing the world.

Ooh long live to all hem holders,safe zone members and unicorn family.
You people really you gave us a reason to live and to be patient.

Am proud to be part of this generation.
What do you tell to them who have pernum but with no yam?

How do you vote?

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