Yem now is an independent and a stable digital currency which is not pegged to any fiat currency.
Unlike other coins Yem being an independent digital currency can trade on its own without first converting it to fiat currencies.
The US dollar is just a display reference fiat currency for Yem to display the value.
How do you vote?
As I see the advantage of money, YEM It needs to be paired with the major stable Coins like USDT to convert it into fiat currencies, so is very important to be paired with Ather major crypito tokens.1 usdt 2 BUSD and Ather stable Coins.
added by Anonymous 964 days ago
I have a bit of an opinion with you but our YEM is not stable, however YEM is scalable. Something is stable if the thing does not undergo change.
added by Anonymous 965 days ago
other fiat currencies meaning that yem being and independent currency this also makes it more stable than any other currency like the bitcoin and others
added by Anonymous 911 days ago 0 0
Yem is very very essential digital currency all around the world, it will be impact on the world, in days later so to increase knowledge of this currency it will be bright for you.
added by 1001246165 944 days ago 1 0
We all love it.....
How to give it value?
How to use it?
Since others laugh at us!
And the dates given for updates do not respect each other.
added by Anonymous 950 days ago 1 0
It is true that yem is an independent currency and one able to use it for trade without first exchanging it to dollars or other fiat currencies meaning that yem being and independent currency this also makes it more stable than any other currency like the bitcoin and others.
added by Anonymous 962 days ago 4 0
Yem is stable, yem is not only coin but it's a currency and can be use across boarders worldwide in more than 120 countries
added by Anonymous 964 days ago 6 0
The world's biggest project and it's going to sweep away crypto currencies that are not stable because it fulfills all legal requirements and it's transaction is speedy with in twinkle of an eye the transaction is done and another thing is stable because it is regulated by yem foundation which is elected every three years by all yem holders in like other crypto currencies.
added by Anonymous 964 days ago 8 0
But for businesses, there should be some liquidating for now so as to remain with capital. Yem should be exchanged too to attract the population that is not yet in safezone
added by Anonymous 965 days ago 10 0