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Scam business is now the talk of the day most of the business run online today are full of scam
added by 1001277811 121 days ago 1    0

These scam businesses come showing people that they are profitable more than anything or any other business but all that they are after is taking people's money.
added by 1001246165 694 days ago 3    0

Wow, absolutely gorgeous. We are proud of being Yem holders, it is such a great opportunity The future seems to be brighter. Most of us have been scammed before and yem is the only way to wipe out our tears. Unfortunately most of our people who were scammed before are so scared from online business but there shouldn't be any reason for a blessed person to quite. We are so proud to have a pernum.
added by Anonymous 694 days ago 3    0

Scam business are the most online business in the world now so everyone take care.

These scam businesses come showing people that they are profitable more than anything or any other business but all that they are after is taking people's money.
What I have realized is that the only profitable online business is investing in only crypto currencies mostly Y E M ie your everyday money.

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