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Yes, malaria is one of the diseases that kill the most of people mostly on the African continent. The mosquitoes always breed from stagnant water and brushes. Malaria can be controlled by destroying the breeding places for mosquitoes such as cutting bushes around our homes, draining stagnant water and destroying old utensils which can hold water. Malaria can also be controlled by sleeping under treated mosquito nets. Once you notice signs of malaria such as fever and general body weakness.
added by Anonymous 659 days ago 0    0

Young and old. Love yourself by not entertaining mosquito noise. We need to see you in futureYoung and old. Love yourself by not entertaining mosquito noise. We need to see you in future
added by Anonymous 661 days ago 0    0

Le paludisme est mortel plus d'un million de personnes meurent de paludisme en Afrique chaque année donc il se protéger contre la piqûre des moustiques pour ne pas être contaminé
added by Anonymous 677 days ago 1    0

These are the best preventive measure.
Again we need every one in future, if you are unluck and suffer malaria, endervor to complete the course of treatment.
added by Anonymous 689 days ago 1    0

That's nice. We are thankful for your written words. We hope to get better in time to come. Uganda fire development. We shall get better
added by RONALD MUHWEZI 695 days ago 1    0

Malaria kills. So deadly. Stay away from it. Keep safe

In order to prevent malaria. Slash the bushes around home. Drain stagnant water. Sleep under a mosquito net. Malaria kills. Young and old. Love yourself by not entertaining mosquito noise. We need to see you in future

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