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I actually dont know but thats what it should be. they should be called like that.
added by Anonymous 686 days ago 0    0

Nationality names have usually old origins, they came from tribes living in the region for a time before modern countries arised
added by Anonymous 909 days ago 0    0

If People From Poland Are Called Poles, Should You Call People From Holand ‘Holes’

Often a person who lives in a country or region ending in -and can be named -ander, as in Lapland- Laplander, Holland- Hollander, Iceland - Icelander. But that name tells us nothing about the etnicity or nationality of the person. So a native inhabitant of Lapland will probably be a Finn, Swede or Suomi, a guy from Holland (a region of Netherlands) will call himself a Dutch.

Nationality names have usually old origins, they came from tribes living in the region for a time before modern countries arised.

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No. You cannot call them Holes. Hahaha! It wouldn't sound well. I am sure that even if their ancestors made that mistake snd calked themselves Holes, the modern Poles would have changed the name soon as they realised the meaning.
added by 1000851268 1398 days ago 0    0

The fact is people from Holand are called Hollanders ?but not holes.
As its a fifferent story for holes
added by Anonymous 1553 days ago 1    0

No and it doesn't mean that if the country is called pole then the pipo in the country should be named holes that's an insult and i think they should be called any names which are used in their country.
added by Anonymous 1555 days ago 1    0

Hahahahaha, thisbis fun but l think we can not call them holes, we shall call them Hollanders so as to sound clear because with holes it sounds wearied
added by 1000965722 1555 days ago 2    0

If the people of Poland are called Poles then,according to my understanding the people of Holand are called Hollanders not holes. hahahahaaa
added by Anonymous 1555 days ago 2    0