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Nul doute que YEM est un dollar numérique. Je veux vous assurer qu'il n'y aura pas de dollar numérique à part yem. S'il était là, il aurait déjà été sur le marché
added by 1001110914 1296 days ago 0    0

No doubt YEM is a digital dollar. I want to asure you that there will be no digital dollar apart from yem. If it is there it would have been already on the market
added by 1001049122 1296 days ago 0    0

Yem is the only digital currency which is going to replace dollar let people know that , there's no digital dollar it's already stated by IMF
added by 1000922002 1297 days ago 1    0

basing on the mega projects of safezone and gesera/nesera facts ibelieve that the digital dollar is yem. this backed by the great value apreciation of yem
added by 1000930357 1298 days ago 1    0

Did you know about the ""?

Did you their came a time when there exisited a site '' and it disappeared with people's money as the founders were in the disguise of producing a digital dollar. Alot of people bought their fake coin and were cheated.

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